
Showing posts from October 24, 2019

Day 161. Songkhla - Georgetown. Penang Malaysia.

We have had a good day. The border process was straightforward, especially on the Malay side. Very well organised. We were through in well under an hour and set off on a perfect dual carriageway road.  At the first town we came to we carried out the usual chores of getting money and SIM cards. Too easy. We even had lunch. The day was a warm one but moving along at a decent clip makes it bearable.  Before we knew it the traffic built up and we followed the signs to Georgetown. We crossed a very long and impressive bridge to the island of Penang.  It was very busy but not jammed and we arrived hot but not too bothered at our home for the next three nights, the Hotel Savv.  The nice receptionist showed us to our room on the top floor and said we have her favourite room.  We have beautiful views from one side towards the old town and out the other  side we have views of the sea and the bridges. The buildings in the foreground are part of the Clan jetties mentio...

Day 160. Had Lamae Resort - Songkhla

We have travelled over 400km today. Pretty good going. The countryside is very  nice in this area. All green bush and trees. We have headed inland as we make towards the border. Thai drivers are generally pretty good. The speed limit is 90 but most people travel 100-110 with some going a bit faster but not silly. I have seen no evidence that there is any speed enforcement or  enforcement of any road rules for that matter. Thai drivers are patient and seem happy to comply. There are checkpoints but they just seem to check people’s paperwork.  At about  2pm the skies darkened at it began to rain. We pulled into a service area and had a drink. There seemed little point in continuing as we were less than 70km from the border and we had no intention of crossing today. We found a place just off the main road so headed there.  The bike was almost due for an oil change so I headed off to find a store. Songkhla is a large city and I found a very large Kawasaki dealer but...