Day 5. Bastia to Orosei

The ferry arrived in Bastia around 6am. We were the last to disembark because Mark had gone for breakfast and forgotten the cabin number. Luckily after much searching found Robyn and the cabin. ( Actually Robyn found Mark heading off in the wrong direction) It was a bit cold and cloudy but it soon warmed up. We headed inland to experience the famed roads of Corsica. Loads and loads of bikers but we had a great time and spent all the morning exploring the backroads and taking in the spectacular scenery. Our destination was Bonifacio which is a very cool port town with a fancy marina and an old castle dating from the 13th century, built spectacularly on the side of a cliff, reminded me of something from Game of Thrones. Our ferry left at 5pm. While waiting we met a very nice Italian dentist called Ger and a couple of Finnish guys. All touring on bikes. A tour bus arrived and disgorged its tourists, and I had a horn competition with the bus driver, con...