Day 94. Tashkurgen - Sost
I am so damned excited I can hardly breathe, but more about that later. The day began with a leisurely breakfast and a bit of a stroll. The customs didn’t open until 11 so there was no rush. The locals don’t seem to observe Beijing time and I don’t blame them, we have had trouble adapting ourselves. Today we gain 3 hours which is good for this journey. We arrived at the customs complex and nobody seemed to know what to do or where to go. After about 3/4 of an hour we were directed around the block to the back entrance where the trucks entered, they could have let us through the front gate to get there, but no, rules are rules. We were directed to a building and we waited. The guide went in and out several times then on the phone then another guy arrived a bit of paper changed hands, so well over an hour passed and nothing at all had happened. Finally I was directed to the X-Ray building and had the bike done. Back to the building to wait some more. After ab...