Day 81. Karakol
Well it seems I was a little premature in announcing my recovery from the sting. Overnight my eye swelled to the point if being closed and the swelling was spreading to the other eye. So off to hospital for me. One injection in the bum for me then intravenous steroid, Dexamethosone, all I know about dex is it is given to climbers with early onset oedema then its down you go. Anyway I am now discharged and the swelling seems to be subsiding. The care was excellent but the facilities basic. I was in a very small room with 2 other people, there is no privacy and little dignity, I felt very sorry for the woman next to me when she had to bare all for probe attachment. I just turned the other way. How things change.......yesterday we were cursing because our China entry was delayed and now we are grateful. It will take me 2-3 days to get over this. Sorry to the regular readers but the next few posts may be a little mundane, at least I hope so. Pic of the day picks itself I thi...